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Camp Dakota's disc (or frisbee) golf course is open year round for play. We have 18 holes with natural tee surfaces. Work is ongoing to improve the fairways and signage. The course is free to play for all guests staying at Camp Dakota and cost for use by non-campers is $7 for a parking pass.  


Day-use guests should park in the day - use parking area and stop at the office to pay for your parking pass.  

Course description:

This course is heavily forested with lots of elevation changes and dog legs. Experienced players will find the course challenging with plenty of obstacles and technical shots. Be prepared to try new throws as some of the holes on this course are designed to test your abilities.  Beginning players may want to bring an extra disc or two. Many of the fairways are surrounded by dense brush and other vegetation, but there is NO poison oak, stinging nettles, or blackberry thickets. The narrow fairways and blind shots offset the short 225' average hole length.

How to Play:

Disc Golf is a game played with a frisbee or official disc golf disc. To play, you throw you disc from the marked Tee stakes at the beginning of the fairway. Your target is a basket at the other end of the fairway. You must throw your second shot from the spot where your first shot landed and so on. Count the number of throws it takes you to hit the basket. Each hole is a par three, but don't feel bad if you don't make it in three right away, as this sport is not supposed to be easy!  Beware of hole #10 over the pond...the alligators have developed a taste for plastic discs! 

Other rules:

You must play it where it lies!! You may not move from the spot where you shot landed to improve your throwing position. If your disc lands in an Out-of-Bounds area, you must take a stroke and throw again. Out of bounds areas at Camp Dakota include any paved or gravel portion of a road and properties marked as No Trespassing. If you lose your disc, you must take a stroke and throw again from where the lost disc was last spotted.




FREE - Camping guests can play disc golf for free with their own discs - FREE

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